The Frescoes of St Andrew the Apostle

The frescoes in the apse, the dome, the transept and the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament and those of the ceiling of the nave (1912- 1927) of Giuseppe Cherubini

The presbytery, the polygonal dome and the transept in this basilica present themselves like a precious casket with evident Baroque connotations. The ample decorative complex is the work of Giuseppe Cherubini from Ancona who, through the use of tempera on dry plaster has illustrated doctrinal themes – The Evangelists, Angels in Glory and other religious subjects.
The round central part of the octagonal dome splendours with a luminous “Glory of Angels'. On the ribbon below the Four Theological Virtues are painted using the Grisaille technique on a background of imitation golden mosaic , alternating panels show vivacious vegetation in correspondence with various windows. The drum beneath the vault appears animated by a host of singing and playing Angels accompanied by various instruments. These delicate figures are also present behind the false balcony in painted wood and imitation marble, in this case not painted as a fresco but on canvas. In the variety of instruments there is in evidence a prodigality in the use of gold and silver leaf which shows the artist's affinity to the Liberty style.
On the plumes of the cross holder are the Four Evangelists with their symbols, these also upon a background of imitation mosaic. In the centre of the tamburo is an oval representation of St Andrew the Martyr, a work by Antonio Marinetti with an origianal perspective effect. This student of Piazzetta offeres an effective proof of compositional originality, chromatic sensibility and a skill for anatomical studies.


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